What to Expect on Test Day

Why do I need a urodynamics?
Urodynamics is like an EKG of the bladder.  It is a study that objectively tells us about the function of your bladder.  Causes of urinary frequency, urgency, incontinence, and retention may be identified and evaluated.  We also perform this test on patient’s undergoing reconstructive pelvic floor surgery, or incontinence surgery.

This test will tell us more about your functional bladder capacity and how you urinate on a day to day basis.  It will also tell us what happens to your bladder during the filling phase.  Through this test we are able to measure at what pressure you leak urine (helpful to know in order to prepare for incontinence surgery) as well.  The last part of the test is the 2nd voiding portion, where we can measure the pressure at which you urinate, and learn more about your bladder during the voiding phase, and how your kidneys may be affected

What do I need to do for the test?

  1. STOP ALL ANTICHLOINERGIC MEDICINE ONE WEEK PRIOR TO TESTING (this is detrol, enables, ditropan, vesicare, sanctura, oxytrol).
  2. COME with a comfortably full bladder.
  3. Arrive 15 minutes prior to appointment time.
  4. Allow 1 hour for the test.
  5. Bring an extra pair of cotton socks for your comfort during the test.


What will happen during the test?
During the first step of the test, you will be asked to urinate on a special toilet.  This will measure how fast you urinate and how much (this is called a UROFLOW). 

The next part of the test is the set up.  A nurse will gently insert a small catheter (half the size of a normal catheter) into your urethra (where you urinate from) and another small catheter into the rectum (please try to have a bowel movement prior to the test).  These will be secured in place with tape.  Small sticky patches will then be placed on your inner thighs or bottom to measure the electrical activity of pelvic floor muscles.

Next, with you sitting back, we will begin to fill your bladder with water.  We will then measure the pressure of your bladder during the test.  As the bladder fills, the different pressure measurements will be recorded and you will be asked to cough and bear down to check for any leakage.  You will be asked to identify certain sensations that you might feel during the test.

Once you feel your bladder is full, you will be asked to empty your bladder into the special toilet again.  This time you will urinate with the catheters in place.  This will allow us to look at your bladder function while it tries to empty.  This is called a PRESSURE FLOW STUDY.  Then we will measure the amount left in your bladder with a small catheter and you are all done!

When will I know the results?
After the physician has reviewed the results of the test and all other pertinent information, they will discuss the results with you (by an office visit).  Then and individualized treatment will be planned for you.


Make an appointment with experienced Urologists at the Midlantic Female Urology and Pelvic Reconstruction

Make an Appointment

Midlantic Female Urology and Pelvic Reconstruction

Philadelphia area
361 Medical Office Building East
100 Lancaster Avenue
Wynnewood, Pennsylvania 19096

Collegeville Location
599 Arcola Road, Suite 105
Collegeville, Pennsylvania 19426